This has got to be the saddest thread I have ever seen on this forum since thumper died. Lord knows I know the dying gasp of a game when i finally hear it.
Been lurking around hgaus like penny... its a link i click on because i have for so many years. Logged on to HGG and saw one person, no one in Parliament. The world of hellgate felt appropriately empty at that point. We have lost the war when its hard to find a party to kill the boss.
In a stunning development, there is still nothing like hgl! Devs these days still seem to avoid 3rd person loot driven dungeon crawlers with free aim. Hanbit made some great improvements to some tilesets (if they created them at all), but nothing to compare to the lost potential of Test Center 2.0. Few ever got to play it, but those that did got awesome drops, gazed at eachothers darkforms in station and fired glyphshards that worked. It was magical.
I wanna say that i look back fondly on the original days and friends i don't know anymore, but I got that same feeling playing HGG with Rawmeat and thumper... just killing shit, no pressure. I want to add that playing in party with maeyan and pennywise on day one was really an honor for obvious reasons.
Forum wise, thegreatcthulhu has been instrumental in providing hope due to his vigilant watch on hgl news during the dark Korean times. I hung on your every word..
Bryan, its redundant to say, has really been the soul of this place for the last two years and I want to thank him for answering all the questions. He is a newbies best friend around here and as far as i am concerned, if someone were to take over hosting, it ought to be him.
Malachor doesn't talk much until it gets confusing. Thanks for all the hard work you and your quieter teammates did... the sp mod option may eventually be the only way to show someone what this game was.
Without all Revival's hard work Nagahaku couldn't have made that kinds of seemingly impossible changes that have made his mod the most innovative that may come of the revival project. Big thanks to Naga for his efforts.
Most of all, there was one guy with a dream that he could turn an "unmoddable" SP client into hope for those who lived on the FSS Hellgate servers to the end. Thanks maeyan for smoothing performance and adding weapons and fx and balance to hellgate SP. Now that he is giving up the site, it's the end of an era for all of us. Good luck Sam with what all you decide to do.
In some ways hellgate gave so little, people complained about it like they do D3 now. The forums were pure hot lava. I was excited at HG's release, I even defended it, but I never thought that in 2014 I would still even give a shit. I don't play it anymore, but I always swear that I will. That is the mark of a good game.
I hope you guys will still try to crack this nut "Stonehenge-wise" but I sure feel like I got my moneys worth. And now for some bum tugging.
decends into bunker...