Author Topic: hosting EOI  (Read 17016 times)


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« on: Aug 13, 2014; 09:54 am »
I was wondering if anyone cared to continue hosting I'm need to take down my virtual host within the next month. I can perform the migration if you provide me a ssh apache,php,sql shell. Alternatively, I can ftp you the database and php sources. If anyone is interested, the best way to contact me would be directly by email.

Update 1/9/14: Thank you all volunteers. A new home has been found for hellgateaus and is currently being migrated. More news as it become available. :)

« Last Edit: Sep 01, 2014; 09:02 am by maeyan »
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Re: hosting EOI
« Reply #1 on: Aug 17, 2014; 01:09 am »
I would volunteer to continue hosting; but, have absolutely NO experience doing so. However... I have used HTTrack Website Copier to download your website and; once done, will zip it up. I can offer to post on for others who are interested in the information contained therein. Sorry to hear you have to shutdown and hope everything goes good for you! Good luck in all your future endeavors.
« Last Edit: Aug 18, 2014; 01:46 am by xepheraxepher »


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Re: hosting EOI
« Reply #2 on: Aug 18, 2014; 08:59 am »
This has got to be the saddest thread I have ever seen on this forum since thumper died. Lord knows I know the dying gasp of a game when i finally hear it.

Been lurking around hgaus like penny... its a link i click on because i have for so many years. Logged on to HGG and saw one person, no one in Parliament. The world of hellgate felt appropriately empty at that point. We have lost the war when its hard to find a party to kill the boss.

In a stunning development, there is still nothing like hgl!
Devs these days still seem to avoid 3rd person loot driven dungeon crawlers with free aim. Hanbit made some great improvements to some tilesets (if they created them at all), but nothing to compare to the lost potential of Test Center 2.0. Few ever got to play it, but those that did got awesome drops, gazed at eachothers darkforms in station and fired glyphshards that worked. It was magical.

I wanna say that i look back fondly on the original days and friends i don't know anymore, but I got that same feeling playing HGG with Rawmeat and thumper... just killing shit, no pressure.  I want to add that playing in party with maeyan and pennywise on day one was really an honor for obvious reasons.

Forum wise, thegreatcthulhu has been instrumental in providing hope due to his vigilant watch on hgl news during the dark Korean times. I hung on your every word..

Bryan, its redundant to say, has really been the soul of this place for the last two years and I want to thank him for answering all the questions. He is a newbies best friend around here and as far as i am concerned, if someone were to take over hosting, it ought to be him.

Malachor doesn't talk much until it gets confusing. Thanks for all the hard work you and your quieter teammates did... the sp mod option may eventually be the only way to show someone what this game was.

Without all Revival's hard work Nagahaku couldn't have made that kinds of seemingly impossible changes that have made his mod the most innovative that may come of the revival project. Big thanks to Naga for his efforts.

Most of all, there was one guy with a dream that he could turn an "unmoddable" SP client into hope for those who lived on the FSS Hellgate servers to the end. Thanks maeyan for smoothing performance and adding weapons and fx and balance to hellgate SP. Now that he is giving up the site, it's the end of an era for all of us. Good luck Sam with what all you decide to do.

In some ways hellgate gave so little, people complained about it like they do D3 now. The forums were pure hot lava. I was excited at HG's release, I even defended it, but I never thought that in 2014 I would still even give a shit. I don't play it anymore, but I always swear that I will. That is the mark of a good game.

I hope you guys will still try to crack this nut "Stonehenge-wise" but I sure feel like I got my moneys worth. And now for some bum tugging.

decends into bunker...

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Re: hosting EOI
« Reply #3 on: Aug 18, 2014; 02:31 pm »
I have been lurking in here for years and I don't think I have ever posted anything of consequence.  I originally signed up because I was wanting to export the models to do some Hellgate art, but never figured it out.  I stuck around and lurked.  Looking back, I wish I would have said hi or bantered back and fourth...we have some cool folk around here.  I just wanted I guess my first and probably last words here to be thanking all you guys for making this game so much more than it ever was.  Zart, that was the most heartfelt and awesome posts I think I've read here; it couldn't have been said better by anyone me thinks. 

There may even be people out there that could host, but they have no idea what it would take.  I certainly have no idea.  What would it entail?  I'd hate to think we might become a group at or an antiquated iRC channel out there...should we just go gentile into that goodnight?  Sad times here on the board indeed...
...we'll always have facebook?


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Re: hosting EOI
« Reply #4 on: Aug 18, 2014; 05:57 pm »
I share your feelings. This place has been a home and an inspiration to many of us for a long time, and I'd really hate it seen gone.

I _might_ be able to contribute to hosting hellgateaus, but that'll have to be worked out in more detail with Maeyan (including all the requirements, and of course his approval). I've contacted him by mail, but haven't heard back from him yet.

Regards, NiteHawk
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Re: hosting EOI
« Reply #5 on: Aug 18, 2014; 10:20 pm »
Many thanks for the kind words Zart,it's not something I'm quite used to.I simply love this community and have tried my best to keep the fire alive however I'm able.I'm glad at least some people can see it the way you do,and for that I'm truly grateful.

That aside,I can't help but share the feelings expressed here.I'd also like to assist in hosting hellgateaus by any means,or even take it up by myself,but I too have no experience on the matter.
I have started to ask around just today,and have notified Maxunit in case he can provide information or assistance.I will make sure to also contact Maeyan,naturally,to see what can be done.
All that aside,I'm perfectly willing to take up the financial cost myself,as long as it is within my abilities,which I assume it should be.Come November I will sadly be much less active or present,but I assume my presence won't be so urgently required.

Can't help but be glad to still see the community care for this place.It carries much sentimental value to me as well,and while we may not see much of a HG 2 and the such,it still means a lot to me that we keep hellgateaus running.
« Last Edit: Aug 19, 2014; 01:14 am by Bryan »
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Re: hosting EOI
« Reply #6 on: Aug 19, 2014; 08:54 am »
I hadn't checked the site in a few days and I just heard about the possibility of it shutting down. This makes me sad. I've enjoyed all the time that I've spent here over the years and while the site isn't what it was in it's heyday, it still holds a deep and warm place in my heart. If this truly is the end of the site then I want to say goodbye to everyone and that I will miss you all. It has been an amazing ride and I'm happy to have shared it with everyone here.

I'm still holding out hope that the site will be saved.
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Re: hosting EOI
« Reply #7 on: Aug 19, 2014; 09:40 am »
Same here*sniff* :-*


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Re: hosting EOI
« Reply #8 on: Aug 20, 2014; 01:47 pm »
Update 2014-08-20

I'd like to let you know that I got in touch with Maeyan, and we're currently sorting out the requirements and steps involved that will assure a continued existence of hellgateaus.

As it happened, I had hired a vserver back in July, which was primarily intended to host some Hellgate-related collaboration platform. Seems it might now come in handy to fill the gap that hellgateaus would otherwise leave... So far no major obstacles were identified, so I've stepped forward and offered to continue hosting the site.

Please allow for some time, while we set up and test all the stuff involved. The timeframe is rougly 4 weeks before we need to have everything in place and running smoothly - once we are confident everything works as expected, we'll make an announcement, place this forum in read-only mode and transition to the new host. (Maeyan will probably also continue to redirect visitors to the new site as long as his server is still reachable.)

So, no - we will not go quietly into the night. (At least, not yet. 8))

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Re: hosting EOI
« Reply #9 on: Aug 20, 2014; 03:08 pm »
Great news Nitehawk :) That was really a fortunate turn of events.

So,it's going to be an entire transition of all content here,mods,wiki,and posts included?
Just asking to know if we'll need to make some backups.Always best to plan those things ahead.
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Re: hosting EOI
« Reply #10 on: Aug 20, 2014; 03:31 pm »
Hi Bryan!

I guess we'll get in touch with the admins separately - we'll probably need all your help for testing that everything works well with the new setup (before we think of going 'live'). :D

We plan a full site transfer - including forum (and mods/addons), wiki and the database backends they're based on, so hopefully nothing will get lost. Luckily, I have full control over every software component of the vserver. I'll have to check the versions and might be tempted to do an upgrade here or there (e.g. mediawiki), but just as long as it doesn't break anything. The SMF forum software will probably stay as it is, due to the number of modifications involved - I'll have to check that with Maeyan.

Regards, NiteHawk
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Re: hosting EOI
« Reply #11 on: Aug 20, 2014; 08:25 pm »
This is awesome news NiteHawk! I am very pleased too hear that the site will not be going the way of the dodo. Major kudos man! If there is anything that I can do to help with the transition just let me know. I will warn you that I have no experience in this, however, if there is any small task that would be of service, I volunteer to help!
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Re: hosting EOI
« Reply #12 on: Aug 20, 2014; 10:48 pm »
Great to hear Nitehawk.And sure thing,happy to help with anything I can.Whenever you're set I'm a pm away :)

Also,many thanks for offering to help as well Killious.I'm grateful that we still have dedicated members like you around.
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Re: hosting EOI
« Reply #13 on: Aug 21, 2014; 12:57 am »
I haven't said anything yet due to a lack of energy over the past few days... glad to see Nitehawk was able to find us a new location.  If you need any financial assistance or something else on my end, let me know.

As far as SMF is concerned, it could stand to be upgraded to the newest version (2.0.8), but PrettyURLs (one of the plugins we are using) isn't fully compatible with the newest version of SMF. I am hesitant to remove it since without it all of the forum URLs will not look the same without it.

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Re: hosting EOI
« Reply #14 on: Aug 21, 2014; 08:29 am »
Would have been tragic for all the great mods and tip to dissolve into ether. Thanks NiteHawk.
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Let's go bum tugging!