The graveyard > Class Discussion

Bots and elemental attack strength


I've started an Engineer and going for the rocket bots, molotov assault and the bomber bot. Do the bots scale off ignite and phase attack strength on my gear? And is it good?



--- Quote from: Scifit on Jan 18, 2016; 09:01 am ---I've started an Engineer and going for the rocket bots, molotov assault and the bomber bot. Do the bots scale off ignite and phase attack strength on my gear? And is it good?


--- End quote ---

I can't answer to if they scale or not but the rocket bot can fire up to around 10 rockets when fully levelled-up... handy for keeping some of the distant mobs "entertained".

The bomber bot is useful - it phases the daemons so that your own shots do double damage.  It also helps distract the baddies while you pile onto them.

"molotov assault " - I'm not sure about...  That's the one where the bot self-destructs and takes a few baddies with it, right?

Less useful becasue you then have to recreate the bot, maybe mid battle. I feel it's better to have the bot active.

I can tell you that the molotov assault definitely is worth it!!! The damage is extremely useful compared to the bots own rockets, so respawning the bot is worth it.

I just can't seem to find anything about scaling with the bots and molotov assault. Would be nice to know if it's worth it stacking ignite and phase strength.


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