Author Topic: Hellgate Wiki - use it for maximum gain!!!  (Read 19092 times)


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Hellgate Wiki - use it for maximum gain!!!
« on: Sep 16, 2011; 12:19 pm »
When your looking to upgrade to that next weapon you've had your eye on.. consider comparing it in the Revival global wiki.

This friends, is a Chaos Blade. It's not just any Chaos Blade, its a PERFECT Chaos Blade. I bought it off the Auction House for 70k ... it was about the 3rd cheapest blade on the market. It is missing the relic slot .. but I happen to have a socket drill handy.

If you get the point, don't read further ... i'm just gonna ramble on about this blade a bit ...

LOOK AT IT ... +70% Critical Damage (MAX), +10% Damage (MAX), +12% Electricity Damage (MAX), +11% Spectral Damage (MAX) ... i'm pretty sure 225 poison attack strength is max too but our calculation is a few points off.

Now I just need another 25 or so attribute points so I can attach a nice dual stat +11% relic to it. *gurgle...*
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Re: Hellgate Wiki - use it for maximum gain!!!
« Reply #1 on: Sep 16, 2011; 12:29 pm »
Hmmm... one question about this thingy. It doesnt deal elec. or spec. base damage, does the "increases elec./spec. damage" work, or do you need a +x% elec. / +x% spec. damage relic to make it work?
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Re: Hellgate Wiki - use it for maximum gain!!!
« Reply #2 on: Sep 16, 2011; 12:31 pm »
GODLIKE!!! :o :o :o
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Re: Hellgate Wiki - use it for maximum gain!!!
« Reply #3 on: Sep 16, 2011; 01:27 pm »
maeyan> sweet sword !

django> the sword does spectral damage, look closer ;)
For electricity dmg, you'll need a relic with "adds +x% electricity dmg" ; until then, you won't do any electric dmg at all (my minigame is stuck on 7 kills with electricity dmg, and I use a chaos blade & a plague grinder).



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Re: Hellgate Wiki - use it for maximum gain!!!
« Reply #4 on: Sep 16, 2011; 01:48 pm »
maeyan> sweet sword !

django> the sword does spectral damage, look closer ;)
For electricity dmg, you'll need a relic with "adds +x% electricity dmg" ; until then, you won't do any electric dmg at all (my minigame is stuck on 7 kills with electricity dmg, and I use a chaos blade & a plague grinder).

I think Hypothraxer is right in regards to your query Pistol ... i'm gonna have to mod this baby with a "Adds Electricity Damage" Relic to get the most out of it.

Thats what I need! This Relic:
+11% Damage
Adds x% Electricity Damage
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Re: Hellgate Wiki - use it for maximum gain!!!
« Reply #5 on: Sep 16, 2011; 03:00 pm »
Hey, this isn't the neener thread! ;D

As already stated, damage increasers don't add damage (12% of 0 is still 0); there needs to be a matching "adds % damage" property of the same element to take advantage of it.
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Re: Hellgate Wiki - use it for maximum gain!!!
« Reply #6 on: Sep 27, 2011; 05:55 pm »
I stickied this as I would like to propose a change either to the Wiki, or use this thread.

We, as a group, are known for helping each other out with in game information. If the information can be shared publicly then I say let's continue with that philosophy.

One of the most common question asked (and most commonly not answered) is: "where does item X drop?"

I believe some people don't want to answer for personal gain (i.e., they want to hog the loot). that's okay, this thread is not for you. Go count your Palla in private.

I also believe some people just don't know, or the game itself is too random to make anything other than a SWAG at location. I fall into that category but share tidbits when I have first person proof of something falling into my gloved hands in the game (i.e., a Hu's and Hero's Halfshell from Berial last night).

Whatever the reason, I think we (the faithful at Revival) should share this information with each other and those that may want to visit (and ultimately join/donate).

Looking back, we used to have a thread that outlined where particular items were most likely to drop and which boss dropped them and if that boss was farmable or not.

As an alternative to a thread, I was thinking that the Wiki could provide this information on the Discussion page: for example, for Hu's we could list known areas (Berial for sure), Dunbars (Asteroth), EOTM (Molly) - etc. Then of course there is all of the great new items, including Set pieces, rings and such that drop from the Tokyo bosses. As people discover the drops they just update the wiki. Or not and we all just carry on as we have been to date...  :-X

Firv, I know the Wiki is your baby (along with Sam, you made a Wiki :o) so let me know what you think of this. If a thread is preferred then let's do it that way.

...and somebody can get the thread/wiki ball rolling by pointing out where the (apparently rare) Sue's drop... based on the current MP price and scarce listings they must be only available in one particular place...


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Re: Hellgate Wiki - use it for maximum gain!!!
« Reply #7 on: Sep 27, 2011; 06:11 pm »
I ve seen a pair of Sue's dropping in Cannon rail by a team member. I had 3 Balbi's and a pair of TPJ in Cannon street rail so far.
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Re: Hellgate Wiki - use it for maximum gain!!!
« Reply #8 on: Sep 27, 2011; 06:18 pm »
...and somebody can get the thread/wiki ball rolling by pointing out where the (apparently rare) Sue's drop... based on the current MP price and scarce listings they must be only available in one particular place...
I got mine in Tower Bridge Sewers,but I think they should drop in another area or two as well.Could be wrong though.
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Re: Hellgate Wiki - use it for maximum gain!!!
« Reply #9 on: Sep 27, 2011; 07:26 pm »
re: Sue's and others... I assume this is Hell mode as that seems to be a key in having the good stuff drop, correct? That would also be helpful in the Wiki (if we choose to go that route).


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Re: Hellgate Wiki - use it for maximum gain!!!
« Reply #10 on: Sep 27, 2011; 07:31 pm »
Edit: I see that locations are noted in the Wiki body for set items (haven't had cause to look there up until a few days ago)... so my mistake. I still think the discussion page would be appropriate for all of the uniques though due to the volume... although, in retrospect, a lot of the uniques are crap so... m'eh.


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Re: Hellgate Wiki - use it for maximum gain!!!
« Reply #11 on: Sep 27, 2011; 10:07 pm »
Well I got mine at normal mode,though I'd bet it has a much better chance of dropping in hell  :)
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Re: Hellgate Wiki - use it for maximum gain!!!
« Reply #12 on: Sep 27, 2011; 10:58 pm »
I never realized the difference between "adds" and "increases" ...increases seems almost useless.  If you have a 100 damage sword that has an "Adds 10% electricity damage" relic then you'd have 10 electricity damage - the "increases electricity damage 10%" mod would give you 11 electricity damage.

The only way that modifier is useful is if it's the main damage mode of your weapon or if it works for skills... like an "increases fire damage" mod for hellfire or napalm strike


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Re: Hellgate Wiki - use it for maximum gain!!!
« Reply #13 on: Sep 27, 2011; 11:32 pm »
Cannon Street Rail on hell difficulty is one of the best farming places in the game. Not only do some of the best uniques like Balbi's Ring and Sue's Steadiers drop there but also the highly sought after XM43 bolters and mods fitting them (good +splash% bolters are worth 1M+ and even blue +spash% fuels sell for 300k to 400k pala).

Just reset the instance for so long that you get fellbores (even if you're doing it solo it's worth running there for few times just to get them - the amount of hell occupants is so much higher). Also if you're evoker I don't suggest you run with Arc Legion the whole time; it often kills fellbores before all them have had time to spawn and you miss a lot of kills (this is especially true with fellbore strikers who summon lots of help if you give them a little time - I just walk to them, wait till I see more fellbores spawning and cast Hellfire).

And Hu's seem to drop from pretty much any high level area; I've seen them drop from Stonehenge, Catacombs and Abyss (probably from Tokyo too but not sure). They're pretty common drop for a unique weapon.
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Re: Hellgate Wiki - use it for maximum gain!!!
« Reply #14 on: Sep 27, 2011; 11:37 pm »
I don't mind people leaving notes in the discussion pages stating where items drop. Putting them directly on the page would end up getting messy with people not knowing how page layouts work.

What I want to do in the near future is start compiling loot tables so I can just point each boss, unique, named, etc to a set of tables for reference. Right now I've been ignoring "generic" tables, like many bosses sharing the same default table that doesn't have any specific drops (like named sub-bosses in Tokyo), and noting specific drops for bosses with special tables as I come across them.
A lot of items don't drop from specific bosses or other monsters, so it's a matter of looking in areas of about the right level. I'm not sure how that part works.
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