The most recent update to
Hellgate: Leisure Wreck Shawn* features the return of Nightmare mode, along with promise of Hell mode in the very near future.
There is however, a very interesting twist to Nightmare this time around...
The Difficulty Selection UI- Located in the upper right hand corner, a little to the left of your mini-map, this drop down box lets you select the difficulty of all dungeons you (and your party) enters after you exit the station.
- By default, all dungeons are set on normal difficulty. When you change them to nightmare mode, you experience the following:
- - Monster stats are increased by a factor of 2-3x; similar to elite mode, but not as extreme
- - Champion group spawn rates are increased dramatically
- - Drop rates are increased by 100%, and the quality of drops are increased by 40%
- - Experience is increased by 30% and palladium is increased by 25%
- - Champion and unique monsters have new buffs that give them immunity to various damage effects (I.E. Immunity to fire, toxic, etc.)
- - Boss monsters and certian regular monsters use new attacks (I.E. Liches now use drain life, Shulgoth can now use anchor when his life gets low.)
* Hellgate: Resurrection is pronounced "Hellgate: Leisure Wreck Shawn" due to the Korean dialect.