thanks for your kind words and also accept my condolences on your loss.
It is, of course, possible to reset the event item drop rules, but it is a very complicated matter that the average user cannot handle.In Revival, it is not possible to change the "treasures" table directly via the Reanimator, it is necessary to use some hexa editor. I recommend selling these common blueprints at the merchant and keeping only the rare ones.All blueprints (except quest ones) can be sold or discarded.
The game also have sets a maximum number of blueprints that the player can carry, if this amount in inventories exceeds a certain value, more blueprints will stop appearing in the game.
Adding a merchant to Mark Lane is even more complicated, and i probably wouldn't have been able to do it when i was still working on Revival. Thanks to the experience of the people from the London 2038 project, i would probably already know how to do it today, but i have already forgotten a bunch of other necessary knowledge...

After all, it's been quite a while since I last covered Revival.
In any case, i'm glad Revival is still being played now that there are so many other versions of the game...