Back in the days I bought the german version of Hellgate London, but due to the bad quality of the translation I downloaded the english language files and used those.
It worked well untill the 1.2 SP patch came out.
Ever since then, using my downloaded english files causes mixups in the string indexing. For example all the class names have been rotated down by one (Swordmaster being named Summoner and so on with the Marksman being called "Recon").
Pretty much every piece of text is messed up, except some places in the options screen.
I tried to delete the german files and leave only the english ones in before patching to 1.2, but the problem stays the same.
Unless someone knows how I can do it, I'm doomed to either play unpatched or in german
So far the decision went in favour of playing unpatched, but due to the revival patch only working on an already patched HGL, that's out of the question.... and the german translation REALLY sucks.
Does anyone know what I can do to get the english language files to work with the 1.2 version as well?