One thing that i miss from D2 to hellgate was the skill synergys, putting a stat point in turn helped a nother skill be better. In hellgate it would be easy ( well not the tecnical stuff ) to chose how the skills helped eachother. The evoker for example, if you had points in firestorm maby it could make flameshards do more damage or have hellfire's effect last longer. Or you could even do active skill abilities, like having tempest active would give your other electrical attacks bonusus. I dont really play other classes much other than the blademaster and evoker. I know the blademaster allso has possible synergys like having points in Soj makes sweeping strike do more damage, or maby having a aura active makes your surges better/ last longer like if you had aura of zeal and surge of wrath active at the same time you get a bigger bonus. Im sure in other classes there are skill that just fit well together allso