Installing LL modsLL mods were based on the Revival 1.2.1 Patch which used the "New Launcher" from that time, links to both are on this guide you have Revival 1.5b and/or Nagahaku mod 3.0b installed, you should probably first use the Revival 1.5b launcher to roll these back, then use the 1.2.1 "New Launcher" for adding or rolling back 1.2.1 and the LL optionals. They have worked easily for me.
Caution- A Nagahaku 3.0b game save file might contain an item from TC4 that does not exist in earlier game versions. With the game save files all going into the My Games/Hellgate London/Save Games folder it is easy to forget when you switch game types that you may also need to segregate save files into different folders. Importing a foreign item via a game save or via Item Trade might result in item destruction, game save file deletion or a crash. If you remember to choose character names like HeroMM
LL2 and BossEvo
Naga3 it can save you from your own forgetfulness later.
The cube is in the LL mods which allows item swapping for which I use Reanimator 1_1_0 beta3b but later versions probably support swapping. Fully exit the game before using reanimator and remember that in both gamesave files the F1-F3 weapon slots must be empty or the weapon slots will malfunction afterwards.
The modified items that I use for speed runs in LL are optional speed boots (there are versions for the different classes), Black Knight dye kits with a range of higher armor levels and mods with a range of power levels up to maximum levels.
One side effect of these is that a hunter can play without assigning any skill points and as you have the option of wearing either no armor or low level legendaries just for looks, you can either assign no attribute points or pile them into useful things like accuracy (for a hunter) or health.
It tends to open your eyes to the way FS used attributes/feed costs against the player instead of for the player and the same might be said of the skills which often added less benefit per level increase than was needed to stay matched against the enemy. Quite nasty psychopathic behaviour so it is interesting how that leads to us being here... A compulsion for herding the masses, the sheep, is one of the personality traits. Was Roper the King of the Castle, compelled to cast the rest of us as Dirty Rascals? Human history is the history of psychopathy, yet they are only 1% of the population. It is the willingness of the 99% to be herded by the 1% compulsives that is actually disturbing as it is that willingness alone that empowers them against us. Have you voted recently and did it do you any good? Baaaa. There are wolves , there are sheep and there are those who seek to be neither because they see where the role playing leads to. Que bono, panem et circenses, 1% rules 99% and reality gets stood on its head. We choose to defeat ourselves.
The Black Knight dye kits that boost armor are here fuller set of high power mods for LL are here and there is a caution to be read there about duplicates getting deleted. These are probably the best range of mods to use in any game that has the cube. There are a few mods in there that add range or nova on hit but probably can only be used in weapons with the right sort of slots, it isn't a comprehensive set.
The speed boots for the different classes are in various posts by Yandor in the Save Files section.
Live free, play free.
Happy Hunting.