Author Topic: Revival SP modification 1.0 (stable)  (Read 28017 times)


  • Loves Hellgate
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  • Eldest
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Revival SP modification 1.0 (stable)
« on: Oct 31, 2009; 03:12 am »
The wait is over :) It's taken months of work and a lot of sacrifice on my part to finish the patch and tools in time for the October 31st deadline. I have exams in 3 days and all my time over the last 4 weeks has been used developing the patch! But hey, it was worth it.

Comprehensive patch notes click here


A special founders only expansion will be released in the coming weeks.

How do I install?
  • Download the Revival SP modification above
  • Install the launcher (install.exe)
  • When prompted by the installer, select the modification package to install. Choose 1 package:
    • - The standard modification.
    • - The standard modification with Elite for Normal mode players mod. If this mod is used, Elite mode will be only as hard as Normal mode but still has the increased champion and mob densities.
      Follow the prompts to install.
  • On success confirmation, use the Unleash Hell! option from the main menu.
  • If have have problems launching the program, check the correct DirectX version is chosen.
    Options -> Program Settings -> DirectX version.

Support Revival.

Make a donation to help me cover ongoing hosting costs.

Offer me payed work. I develop software to make a living and there is not much I can not do. Websites, desktop applications, databases etc. No job to small or too big. I am a legitimate tax paying business and being able to support myself financially allows me to continue my work on Revival.

Enjoy guys, it has been my pleasure.


Don't dream what to be; be what you always dreamed.