Fawkesday - automacically launched between 5 - 12 november
- all vendors sell two event items
- Nemo on Holborn or Templar base (it's the same character and can be (like lord Arphaun) in two places at once) gives four quests.
His second quest is very hard to meet.You get a blueprint (new one appears with each relog to game) and must make item from event monsters loot.
While event spawns five new monsters:
- Brisance, spawn at: Tudor street
King's William street
- Panclast, spawn at: Bell yard
Trinity square
- Sprengel, spawn at: Blackfriar's
Fleet street
Tower gateway
- Effigy, spawn at: Eastcheap
Ludgate hill
Demonshire square
- Acheson, spawn at: all previous + Craven street
Spawn is not 100%, monsters appears approximatelly in 1 from 6 cases
Important loot: Brisance - cheese
Panclast - pint of beer
Sprengel - pennyloaf
Effigy - black Fawkes elixir
Acheson - red Fawkes elixir
Reward from third Nemo's quest is blueprint for "Fawkes force five".
Last quest is repeatable after one hour, or when relog to game.
- goodies drops everywhere from common monsters, its possible to get Fawkes flameguards from this drop
Changes compared to the original version:
- drop of goodies is optimalised (droprate of pudding component is now little bit better), one missing ingredient (demon raw meat) is now fixed
- while event appeared in some game levels special textures with flames. This "level themes" data is still into code, but i dont know how activate it, sorry
Halloween - automacically launched only in 17. october, i dont know why
- Nemo on Holborn or Templar base gives two quests. Second is is repeatable after one hour, or when relog to game.
- zombot components drops everywhere from common monsters
- zombot blueprint and All hallow's visage can be obtained from monster loot, or through Nemo's repeatable quest
Changes compared to the original version:
- Nemo apparently originally stood on the Covent garden station
- All hallow's visage originally cannot be obtained from quest, only from loot
- bug - zombot no have portrait in icon, when is summonned, i dont know why
Winter holiday - cannot be launched automatically
- if i remember correctly, this event newer was launched on official server, only on test center. I'm not a witness of this event and in gamecode some data missing. I reconstruct it as it was the best.
- Nemo on Holborn or Templar base gives one quest. You must get "decodex" from special holiday monsters. Like reward Nemo gives you a cube formula for Fester Festivus. Components for Fester is obtainable from monsters loot too.
- In five stations spaws a "special wanted bulletins". Bulletins in Charing cross and Temple station is out of order, in Teplar base, Liverpool station and St'Paul station gives each one quest - hunt on holiday monster. All hunt quest is repeatable after one hour, or when relog to game.
- On Covent garden and Oxford circus station is some christmas decorations
- goodies drops everywhere from common monsters, its possible to get Santa's hat from this drop
Changes compared to the original version (only those that I know):
- in game code are no specific holiday common monster drop (if any was). Current drop is mix of items from both others events.
- In original state gave bulletins tree quest each (on each station same, only with difference in level of monsters). This is 5x3 quest, too much works, sorry.
- same like while Fawkes event - while event appeared in some game levels special textures with snow. This "level themes" data is still into code, but i dont know how activate it