With the latest patch (1.5.7b) of Hellgate London, we have decided to remove the "Single-Player Game" entry from the main menu by default. We want to make it crystal clear that the 2038 team is focused on and dedicated to the multiplayer game. We have neither time nor resources to support single player mode, so if any problems arise you're on your own.
This requires you to place a file with specific name and content into your Data\ folder. The file is named IWantSPandDontCareIfItBreaks.txt (case doesn't matter on Windows filesystems), and it must contain the text
I fully understand that single player is not supported by the London 2038 team. So let there be dragons.
Is this a joke? Did you really waste your time to implement this to just hide the SP Mode? Wow...
Don't you think, it would have been smarter to let this option open for the future since the Hellgate player base is shrinking constantly. Not everybody can play London: 2038 because of a bad ping, lag and disconnects. Some retro players and ofc Hellgate lovers like me could also enjoy the "full" content of this game in singleplayer at least. So let there be smarter dragons

. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate your work on the London: 2038 mod and am very grateful, but I don't like this somewhat condescending attitude from what I read above to be honest. Kinda unnecessary to implement this to point out that London: 2038 is multiplayer only and there won't be any support for singleplayer. I think we all knew that already. But it's still kinda sad.
So the SP modification isn't working anymore? We can't use an older version of London 2038 to make it run with the SP mod Version 1.5.10b? Sorry for asking, I am still pretty new to this whole installation process, and have more questions than answers atm.
BTW since you wrote that your data and important tools on your laptop were destroyed by a virus - I'm very sorry man for that loss. I hope your laptop wasn't infected because of the following:
I found out that every old link of the domains
"hellgateaus . net/info" is full of badware, trojans and viruses. Those domains are literally virus catapults. So be cautious! And what comes next is a serious
DON'T click on the download link or unpack the password protected
FAKE release.rar Hellgate London Savegame Editor if you are searching for one on the internet and you come across this post under that web address at the buttom of my post. This is a dangerous trojan (
Trojan:Win32/Sabsik.FL.B!ml) for 100 %. I will just post the site here, it seems legit in the first moment because the post comes from a google group but it is 100 % hostile. I have already reported it to google. BTW there is probably no real savegame editor from what I have read.
DON'T DOWNLOAD THIS FAKE HELLGATE SAVEGAME EDITOR FILE IN THIS LINK! IT'S A TROJAN:(((((https://groups.google. com/g/alt.tv.wiseguy/c/YJQlld3Uvko)))))