there is a way to move items around.
use the trade function from Reanimator 1.0.3 beta.
Out of all Reanimator versions, this one is the most reliable when it comes to trade.
disarm characters that are involved in trade, always check all weapons slots-1,2,3 are empty
if you trade with any weapon in slot, you'll likely corrupt save files.
Especially for engie characters, there are many reports that drone can no longer be summoned after accidentally traded items with weapon in a slot(this have happened to me as well)
I always write over with the backup save file for the character from which items are traded right after the trade, so that at list I know that character's save file is in original state. Then I would go ahead and sell those items that I've just traded to make room, knowing that those are moved to a different character. I know it's a bit of a work but just wanted to let you know that there's a way. let me know if you have questions regarding the process.