Although i personally would never seem to change anything at already finished levels, something else would be to create levels completely new.
But, it is not possible in hellgate for the time being (a bug with editing level drlgs is still waiting for his humiliator).
I concede that letting the program build a bigger level than usual, it's not so difficult at random generate levels. But the only person who really knows HOW to do this is Seferoth (regards
I think it's good that each of the three existing big mods has retained a certain individuality...
Btw, when you talk about Grim dawn, this game was set to become one of the best diablo clones, but ended in completely untuned difficulty.
In my opinion, Grim dawn have only three difficulty:
1. Hard
2. Unplayable
3. Absurd
It's always sad to see a developer who forgot that games are playing for fun ...
GD has the problem in that it's a bit of a grind to get to where you are reasonably powerful... and then you find that monsters and bosses have also levelled up and you're back to square one again. I do like wandering around the areas though, it's that destroyed dystopia feel again.
GD could have been a lot better, yes. I still enjoy a bash about though. I started to get annoyed with Victor Vran - that was fun for the first areas but then you go through a boggy swamp thingy and there are long range attackers that wipe you out while you can do stuff all to fight back... hardly fun.
HGL (Nag) has some stand out laugh moments - like my one of finding a SNIPER rifle that fires 1200 rounds per minute!! Holy crap...
Or a laser rifle that fires a direct charge and a splash damage AND arcs across to 1/2 dozen nearby deamons!
"Light 'em up, Leroy!" - hahaha.
I agree - there's a "games for realism" idea which, while valid, isn't a lot of fun as reality is kinda "bang" - dead or "sword slash" - gust flop out onto ground and dead...
But then the other extreme (which is also why "godmode" tends to me less fun) is that gaming without the element of "damn that's hard" just becomes boring.
a balance between the two 0 Left 4 dead 1 and 2 did OK with their "AI Director" thingy - it tried to balance out the level of difficulty with your choices of direction and haw fast you did the level and so on.
To be honest, I feel that HGL didn't do too bad a job of this.... the early areas are easy without being too simple, enough to cut your teeth on and level up to 5 or 6 before trying the big baddies.
Yes - you are also right or the mods - LL, Nag, Rev - they all go in different directions with some cross-over (I think you all use a little of the ideas of others, yes?)
Rev seems to be more of a "keep it like HGL as much as possible while expanding and adding things that make it more fun and usable"
Nag is "Wow, lets do THIS, it will ROCK".
LL seems a little (sorry guys) "lacking" in that it's not as "rock the demons" nor as "expand it, keep t fun" - but that's possibly because I haven't played LL much for a while now.
Nag and LL aren't being worked on any more, are they? Pity....
About the only problem (personal opinion only) I have with Rev is that the HGL basic 5 points to use when you level up tends to make it more of a "less fun" grind for the early levels..
Go from 1 to 2 and... wow.... 5 points to spread over 4 stats - 4 points in mana and 5-10 points in health (when a single spell or tech deployment still wipes out 80% of your mana and a trooper slaps off 1/2 your health)
Still, it IS keeping the HGL original feel... so, not complaining.
And to close - HGL with SweetFX is GORGEOUS! Light blooms, sharper plus antialiased, extra colour, a touch of contrast.
If anyone's not playing with SweetFX, I urge you to try it out.
(I've posted my SFx set here before but if anyone wants it just say so)