Author Topic: Unofficial Revival SP modification 3.9  (Read 26250 times)


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Re: Unofficial Revival SP modification 3.9
« Reply #15 on: Jul 16, 2018; 04:41 am »
So, I tried Techsmith 69 twice tonight.  One time he spawned with Thriving, and the other with Vivacious.  There was simply no putting him down.

Are his affixes random?  Not sure how anyone else is getting daggers if he always gets to fully heal when he drops below 25%.  I had a marksman and I was using strikes to stun, stunning shotguns, that shock and awe strike, nothing would shut down his ability to heal.  After 5 rounds of him fully healing, I just quit for the evening.

I don't want to sound like I am complaining.  I appreciate everyone's work, but this is really becoming an impossible chore if he can always heal.

Kikina the templar

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Re: Unofficial Revival SP modification 3.9
« Reply #16 on: Jul 16, 2018; 07:17 am »
You have it so: players had still complaining that Berial is too much easy boss. A then i made Techmith 69.

 ;D  ;D  ;D

Affixes for Techmith 69 is totaly randomly generated. Yes, if he get affix for healing is practically immortal.
Important is know one thing - Techmith figt with two random generated rune daggers. This runedaggers provides to him totally same properties like to player - if he holds in hand fire dagger, then is invulnerable by fire damage and cannot be ignited. If have spectral dagger, is invulnerable by spectral damage and cannot be phased, etc, etc
And of course you must adapt your strategy to this thing. I believe you can do it.
Good luck  :)
« Last Edit: Jul 16, 2018; 07:23 am by Kikina the templar »


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Re: Unofficial Revival SP modification 3.9
« Reply #17 on: Jul 16, 2018; 01:50 pm »
Glutton Kurodon is much harder boss for me than Techmith 69 because of his Centaurs. If Techmith 69 don't take damage I just reset the game, go back and he have other buffs. That heal thing only works on bosses for a few times but toxic status prevent them to heal. Anyway with my marksman I make him catch on fire (useing "The Agitator" gun) and he die in seconds  ;)


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Re: Unofficial Revival SP modification 3.9
« Reply #18 on: Jul 16, 2018; 05:04 pm »
I had Techsmith69 divided once and of course their level got +5

A couple of fully modded Hurricanes were doing dismal amount of damage so I went back to it with 1200+ ignite gun and managed to kill them after 10 min or so of struggle.  Nice to have a few challenges in the game

Kikina the templar

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Re: Unofficial Revival SP modification 3.9
« Reply #19 on: Jul 16, 2018; 05:06 pm »


  • Nameless
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Re: Unofficial Revival SP modification 3.9
« Reply #20 on: Jul 16, 2018; 06:34 pm »
Thanks.  I noticed the second time around he was completely immune from fire, but didn't know why.

Luck of the draw, then, that he had a full-heal ability both times I fought him.  If I can get him to spawn without that perk, I think I can take him with a lot of health injections on the run.


  • Nameless
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Re: Unofficial Revival SP modification 3.9
« Reply #21 on: Jul 18, 2018; 12:45 pm »
I have managed to kill Techsmith 69 twice now.  First time he didn't drop any fragments, but he did drop an egg which turned out to be the most awesome Japanese moth pet ever!  Second time he dropped the toxic fragment.  I made the Blackdeath dagger, but I think I remember it has to be the spectral dagger combined with the God Rune?

So, I guess I need to farm all of the bosses until I get all of the pieces.

But that's progress, and I am having a great time. Thanks again for all the work you have all put in to this thing, and for the help you provide in the forum.

Kikina the templar

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Re: Unofficial Revival SP modification 3.9
« Reply #22 on: Jul 18, 2018; 02:00 pm »
Congratulations and thanks.

But something is wrong.  :)
- Techsmith gives one piece of material per kill, so if you do not take fragment, then you had to get it rune or seal.
- Techsmith CAN give egg, but not with Moth pet (Nataniel). Moth can be obtained only from cube recipe for mysterious item. From common egg you can get only Mantawraiths, Cocomokos or Ancient clam.

- yes, for making God's gun you need spectral dagger


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Re: Unofficial Revival SP modification 3.9
« Reply #23 on: Jul 18, 2018; 10:47 pm »
Now that you mention it, I believe the egg did come from the cube as a mysterious item.  I'll have to check my inventory to see if I have any runes or seals that I didn't notice.  Sometimes when I get mobbed, I just stab at the F key until I pick everything up without looking.

I have done Mysterious Item twice, and now my female marksman is wearing a dress with +16 to all of her stats.  The other time was the egg.

I have been trying to farm bosses lately, and I think I just forgot where I got what.


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Re: Unofficial Revival SP modification 3.9
« Reply #24 on: Jul 22, 2018; 08:21 pm »
Techsmith 69 is very resource intensive.  He takes a while to kill, and I end up using a whole bunch of healing injections.  So, Ive been trying to farm the "weaker" bosses.  Fulcrum goes down pretty fast, but doesn't always drop a piece, and the past 5 pieces he dropped have all been seals.  Does he drop other pieces?  I'll keep trying him.

I also farm Berial, because he has dropped pieces before.  I am trying to remember the other bosses who drop pieces.  Maybe Lillith?  The guy in Old Crypt never seems to want to spawn, and the one in Death Trap doesn't seem to drop any pieces at all.  Could I get a clue on who else to farm, please?  I just need to get the fragment to finish my spectral dagger.

Also, loving the mods, but if I could put in a request for the next iteration: can we increase the spawn rate of the mini-bosses in Necropolis?  They are really rare, and for the time it takes to get to, then go through, Necropolis, having a batter chance at the bosses would be a nice addition.

My fem MM has the killing machine skin now, and it looks awesome, btw!

Thanks again.

« Last Edit: Jul 22, 2018; 09:12 pm by Brimhir »

Kikina the templar

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Re: Unofficial Revival SP modification 3.9
« Reply #25 on: Jul 22, 2018; 08:57 pm »
- monster in Necropolis have set 40% for spawn. Originally i want set here 100%, but i was notified by testers, than weaker characters cannot fulfill main quest line quest in Necropolis (with Jessica Sumerisle). Then i set here this number - quest now can meet everybody, in case of troubles is possible relog to game and boss it does not have to be here...

- patchnotes can offer very valuable clues for all farmers  ;D
Excerpt: "Exist five types of this daggers and can be obtained only from cube recipes. Materials for this recipes (rune fragment, rune and rune seal) can be obtained like loot from all minibosses (Squadro, Fulcrum, Behemoth, Arachtonas, Lilith)"
All this bosses can drop all type of material, while kill have all 100% chance on drop one item from five (nanoshards, 3x ring, material). All pieces of material have same chance for drop.
Techsmith 69 have 100% chance on drop one piece of material, all types, same chance for all.


  • Nameless
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Re: Unofficial Revival SP modification 3.9
« Reply #26 on: Jul 22, 2018; 09:14 pm »
Ok, thanks!

I should have looked at the earlier release patch notes where the daggers were introduced.


  • Nameless
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Re: Unofficial Revival SP modification 3.9
« Reply #27 on: Aug 01, 2018; 08:07 pm »
Hi There

and hi @Kikina ... thanks for your great modification and your long work over the years ...

i have had a break some years ago and now comes back trying the newest version ... holy much changed ... very nice :-)

i have some questions ...

1-- is the starting skill hardcoded ? after using reskiller i still have the starting skill left ... what a pitty in most way one point wasted :-(  for summoner for example i dont need the carnagor but iam forced to have 1 point in it :-(

2-- long time ago i played some classes i cannt remember ... are there test characters for your mod with max lvl some money and all quests done ?? would be nice to have some tests chars

3-- is there a overview with all the bosses you added where to find them ???

4-- are there bigger plans for future with content ? like a "endless" dungeon ... similar to the catacombs from HG Global 15 layers with a big boss at every level end ... or other "bigger" content ???

5-- will there be some skill changes or adding the "new" skills form TCv4 patch for every class ?

6-- can you (shortly) explain why its not possible to integrate stonehenge and abyss content for SP ? i mean london 2038 have encoded the whole date beeing able to edit all stuff ... issent there a chance to port the SH and ABYSS content for SP or will it be impossible for ever ?

thanks for answering

many blessing

Kikina the templar

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Re: Unofficial Revival SP modification 3.9
« Reply #28 on: Aug 02, 2018; 12:12 am »

1 - Yes, first skillpoint cannot be unlearned. It was possible in some old version of official Revival, but there were some problems with it. I do not know what. In current version of mod is many items with +to skills and end game skillpoints reward, so it does not matter.

2 - I think there are no gamesaves directly for Revival anywhere. You can port high level characters from vanilla game.

3 - Yes, all bosses is noticed in patchnotes.

4 - No, my work on mod is almost done. No larger updates are planned.

5 - In v4.0 will be added "skill merge" option, for now only in experimental mode. Skills from TCv4 patch will not be added.

6 - "Port" any data from multiplayer to singleplayer is not possible. Only option is manually create new files according to the files from multiplayer. Data is not mutually compatible.
Problem with Stonehenge and Abyss is in level maps - last version of Reanimator cannot create some needed level files without errors. In recent months, we have discovered with "Black/Lyra Darius" the possibility of getting around the mistake. Files can be edited with old beta version of Reanimator. But old version no have some important functions - opening of TCv4 patch for example. It would have to be done in an unbearably complex way and i will not do it anymore.
So, creating of Stonehenge and Abyss is MAYBE possible, but this problem waiting for someone else...  ;)


  • Nameless
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Re: Unofficial Revival SP modification 3.9
« Reply #29 on: Aug 02, 2018; 04:59 pm »
ok big thanks for response :-)

to 1 - ok how much skill points are rewarded from end game content and where / from what to get ?

t0 4 - ok what a pitty ... you did a very great job :-) ... are there others who modding anything bigger here at community ?

btw - if i install the mod - and make standard install without any specials like the events or movementspeed increase etc ... can i later change this and make new install and than activate the events for example or the movement speed for a while ... and when i want back to normal movementspeed and playing without the events i install new and dont aktivate them ... does it work or are there any problems with the savegame ???

and do i need to reinstall before make new instaƶll of the mod ?
