Hellgate: London (Single Player) > Reanimator
Installing Reanimator and using the Item Trading function
--- Quote from: "Leitner" ---Lol.... Kite definitely has moderator abilities. But stickying is something only maeyan can do I believe.
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Well my eye caught a moderator thinking about stickying a certain thread somewhere,that's where the whole thought came from.Unless he was joking :evil:
Hey there im new to this game and loveing it. old d2 pro. shame what happend to this game, slack ass flagship studios....
anyway i have a problem (and a question for after)
took me a while but i sifted through everything and got the revival mod and reanimator going... but the "Item Transfer" button under Tools is greyed out.. i have a lvl 12 summoner elite that has some gear for a brand new Blademaster that i have just made with the new revival mod...they both have cubes and the items are in the cube ready to b transfered.
also the background image of the reanimator has now disapeared. I could really use some help in this as i am loving this game but only play single player... if i wanna keep the life-span on this game i gotta transfer items.
what am i doing wrong?
oh and p.s. what is the BEST summoner build for end game? (currently lvl 12 in elite with no skill points spent)
thanx in advance and i hope ur still around to read this :)
--- Quote from: "mektopath" ---took me a while but i sifted through everything and got the revival mod and reanimator going... but the "Item Transfer" button under Tools is greyed out.. i have a lvl 12 summoner elite that has some gear for a brand new Blademaster that i have just made with the new revival mod...they both have cubes and the items are in the cube ready to b transfered.
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If it is greyed out it sounds like you might be using an older version of Reanimator... Make sure you're really using the newest official build. Don't mind the greyed-out "Item Shop" button as this was just some debugging stuff and will be removed in the future, but the "Trade Items" button above should be working.
--- Quote ---also the background image of the reanimator has now disapeared. I could really use some help in this as i am loving this game but only play single player... if i wanna keep the life-span on this game i gotta transfer items.
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I didn't know we had a background image in Reanimator O.o Could it be that you're talking about the old java version of reanimator?
--- Quote ---oh and p.s. what is the BEST summoner build for end game? (currently lvl 12 in elite with no skill points spent)
thanx in advance and i hope ur still around to read this :)
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I'll leave this to someone else :)
Howdy Mektopath,welcome.
--- Quote from: "mektopath" ---oh and p.s. what is the BEST summoner build for end game?
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For Normal difficulty almost any build will do,so long as it's a build and not points randomly spread out everywhere. :P
For Nightmare end-game (even more so,Nightmare -Elite-) I'd suppose either a Carnagor-based build or a Witch Doctor-based build for survivability.Self-healing for obvious reasons,a Blood Link to back up your minion and then come the Elementals for DoT.An Elemental Nova could really help there too.
If that sounded too vague I could make some more specific suggestions,but just so you know beforehand I'm not really the Summoner expert around here. :P
@Kite Lol,my post would end with the line "Can't help you with the Reanimator bit though,perhaps someone else could be of assistance there" but then I saw you'd posted first :lol:
Can we take the unrelated question(best summoner build) to another topic please.
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