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Steam / Re: SP Mod Steam "endless dungeon" final version (completed)
« Last post by anato on Oct 07, 2024; 07:30 am »
There is a bug in the main version.
15th floor boss Darkhan is transparent.
You can see two guards, but Darkhan is not visible, and you can attack him.
(Like the Belial transparent bug before.)

It is visible in the light version.
try again and let me know

Oh, it comes out great. Thank you very much.
Steam / Re: SP Mod Steam "endless dungeon" final version (completed)
« Last post by RomaMartin on Oct 07, 2024; 03:59 am »
There is a bug in the main version.
15th floor boss Darkhan is transparent.
You can see two guards, but Darkhan is not visible, and you can attack him.
(Like the Belial transparent bug before.)

It is visible in the light version.
try again and let me know
Steam / Re: SP Mod Steam "endless dungeon" final version (completed)
« Last post by RomaMartin on Oct 06, 2024; 02:36 pm »
There is a bug in the main version.
15th floor boss Darkhan is transparent.
You can see two guards, but Darkhan is not visible, and you can attack him.
(Like the Belial transparent bug before.)

It is visible in the light version.
Thanks for sharing, I'll check it out soon
Steam / Re: SP Mod Steam "endless dungeon" final version (completed)
« Last post by anato on Oct 06, 2024; 10:09 am »
There is a bug in the main version.
15th floor boss Darkhan is transparent.
You can see two guards, but Darkhan is not visible, and you can attack him.
(Like the Belial transparent bug before.)

It is visible in the light version.
Reanimator / Npc helping spawn((
« Last post by asasina90 on Sep 24, 2024; 05:13 pm »
Any help me how add npc to station? Me need reanimatir?
Steam / Re: SP Mod Steam "endless dungeon" final version (completed)
« Last post by RomaMartin on Sep 22, 2024; 10:29 pm »
How many costumes are in the game? Must be close to getting them all done :o
Honestly, it seems like everything I added, some are bought from the seller, the rest is a box of luck for coupons.
The boxes that are sold by the seller were made Mayhem, I added the rest of the costumes to the lucky box.
Steam / Re: SP Mod Steam "endless dungeon" final version (completed)
« Last post by Meudeath on Sep 22, 2024; 06:02 am »
How many costumes are in the game? Must be close to getting them all done :o
Steam / Re: SP Mod Steam "endless dungeon" final version (completed)
« Last post by RomaMartin on Sep 05, 2024; 07:53 pm »
Fixed several bugs, added several costumes, skill balance.
Steam / Re: SP Mod Steam "endless dungeon" final version (completed)
« Last post by RomaMartin on Aug 28, 2024; 06:51 am »
What version of the mod are you using?

The Main Mod, I also tested the Lite Mod (with the same save) and the ability cannot be used there with the MM either.
try installing it again, it should work.
Steam / Re: I bought the game and I'm lost.
« Last post by Bryan on Aug 27, 2024; 05:31 pm »
Hi there, welcome. No worries about "dumb questions" or where they're asked, we're all here to help.

Indeed, most mods you'll find around are for the original game. You can only modify the Steam version with mods made specifically for it, and the two don't mix at all. I understand it may not look as deep as it is, but the two really are different games in such regards.
(The HD pack will also not change that; it restores visuals, but it does not change the fundamental differences of the two.)

In short, you can either look for Steam-specific mods to apply to the game you've purchased or you can acquire the original game to mod it with Revival and other such mods.
For the latter, you can likely still find copies for sale on sites like eBay and Amazon. I hear there are other, less savory means of acquiring the game as well, but of course we can't condone those.
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