The absolute state of Steam, I swear...
This is by no means a criticism of any player, as players play against the game with the hands they're dealt. Whatever you need to do to beat it, or whatever you feel is fun to do on your end, is all fine on my end. But I really can't keep from commenting on this asinine stat inflation, which is *not* player-sided but game-sided.
Removing the 25% +damage bonus from the damage displayed, that's 83.25-153.75 damage per shot. Let's simplify this to an average 118 per shot; with a RoF of 600, that's 1180 damage per second. That's base damage...
Next comes +ele; that's 16% base, and let's assume that half of the mods have a dual +ele affix. Averaging these to 22 each (10-13 x2:, that's (22x3)+16=82% ele damage. So now we're at 2147 damage per second...
Next comes CDB. Just accounting for generic CDB, and with just the displayed CCM, every caste is between 84-90+% - so let's just take the lowest and assume 84% CDB efficiency, ergo 1445. That's 2147x14,45, so ~31000 damage per second...
That's before the splash damage component, before caste CDB, without accounting for higher ACC caps for CDB, without calculating for the effective critcap of 95%, being lenient with averages and rounding down, and only assuming 3/6 +ele mods.
It's *higher* than Global's +15 enhancement cap, granted, but also *lower* than the maximum modded cap. And it doesn't take "armor break" into account, which is bound to occur with such rampant stat inflation...
So *imagine* designing a game this way. Imagine *needing* such insane values as 31000 damage/second, which isn't even the practical cap, when most mechanics except pure damage have never seen the light of day. And imagine voluntarily pushing a game's engine to clearly present breaking points with such massive inflation, when the difficulty curve could always just not require this inflation to begin with.
Just boggles the mind how any professional studio would even entertain this direction, let alone go with it and ride it to the bank.