Author Topic: Announcing the Augmentrex project (includes a fix for the 1 FPS bug) - v2.0.0  (Read 43248 times)


  • Nameless
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excuse me, I was trying to get this to work, and got the following crash:

Host assembly crashed: System.ArgumentException: STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_1: The given process file does not exist. (Code: 3)
   at EasyHook.NativeAPI.Force(Int32 InErrorCode
   at EasyHook.NativeAPI.RtlCreateSuspendedProcess(String InEXEPath, String InCommandLine, Int32 InProcessCreationFlags, Int32& OutProcessId, Int32& OutThreadId)
   at EasyHook.RemoteHooking.CreateAndInject(String InEXEPath, String InCommandLine, Int32 InProcessCreationFlags, InjectionOptions InOptions, String InLibraryPath_x86, String InLibraryPath_x64, Int32& OutProcessId, Object[] InPassThruArgs)
   at EasyHook.RemoteHooking.CreateAndInject(String InEXEPath, String InCommandLine, Int32 InProcessCreationFlags, String InLibraryPath_x86, String InLibraryPath_x64, Int32& OutProcessId, Object[] InPassThruArgs)
   at Augmentrex.Program.Main() in C:\Users\alex\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects\Augmentrex\Augmentrex\Program.cs:line 53

I'd be most gratefull if you could aid me with this. And also, great job :) .


I tried Augmentrex for the first time today and i have exactly the same Error.
I'm not using any Antivirus except Windows Security.
I also whitelisted the Augmentrex folder.
Maybe something broke through windows updates?


  • Nameless
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Just wanted to thank you for this amazing patch/mod.

I've been able to play Steam's version of Hellgate London for a few days now without any issues.
Also, I've written a small guide on Steam to show people how to install and use Augmentrex, helping those who didn't knew about this great patch to run Hellgate.

Here's the guide if anyone's interested:

Again, thank you so much for this!


  • Tactical Happenstance
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I've written a small guide on Steam to show people how to install and use Augmentrex, helping those who didn't knew about this great patch to run Hellgate.

Thanks for sharing this :) I'm sure many players will appreciate it.
"Dream big and crash often"

List of Global class guides.
The above guides may be obsolete for vanilla SP, but they may still hold true for the 2018 Steam version.


  • Nameless
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Hello Zor! I'm using augmentrex to a great success, it saved me from 95% of the 1fps issues (I still get it sometimes, but very rarely) and made the Steam version of the game actually enjoyable, thank you! :D

Recently however, all of a sudden, my progress doesn't get saved when I quit the game. Shorter progresses get saved, but after playing for like 10 minutes or so, something locks in and saving the game afterwards will revert my character to where I started. And I noticed these errors popping up in the process window after a failed saving happened:

Do you have an idea on what they mean? Is it something fixable? They weren't there before. I also tried running the game without augmentrex, the issue persists, the problem is clearly with the base game, and very likely my savegame file.

More details and a link to my savegame file (if you are interested) can be found here:
Thank you very much in advance! :)

#Update: it turns out that the above error messages happening are unrelated to the savegame file becoming unable to get overwritten. And the reason was that I had too many items in my stash (special thanks to Immortal2563). All good now!
« Last Edit: Feb 10, 2021; 09:37 am by Gorvex »


  • Named
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I ran all 4 parts of the stonehange and after reloading the game nothing saved, so not only you have a problem. Download any other character from the forum and check if he saves his status.

I don't use Augmantrex.


  • Nameless
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I don't use Augmantrex.
Lucky you, that you don't need it. I tried many-many optimizations, to no avail. Do you have a non-intel CPU? AMD presumably?


  • Named
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I ran all 4 parts of the stonehange and after reloading the game nothing saved, so not only you have a problem. Download any other character from the forum and check if he saves his status.

I don't use Augmantrex.

what are your pc specs?


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- <Event xmlns="">
- <System>
  <Provider Name="Application Error" />
  <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
  <TimeCreated SystemTime="2021-05-28T14:49:37.3078629Z" />
  <Correlation />
  <Execution ProcessID="0" ThreadID="0" />
  <Security />
- <EventData>
  <Data />
  <Data />
MAN in the mirror...


  • Nameless
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    • The Trans Fiendling
I had one question, is it Augmentrex that is making my computer shift ALL of my winidows to my other monitor and them just dumping them there? I've had that happen with some games but normally they fix things once the game is closed.

I'm running it in Windowed, though I did have to tick the 'run at [specific resolution that I dont remember]' tag on the HG.exe file, and the game doesnt actually open in the lower resolution.

I was mainly curious because something in the log said something along the line of 'allocating game window' and whilst I'm assuming that is jsut referring to it targeting the Hellgate window, I was curious. It... I guess technically isn't a big deal, just incredibly annoying to see everything flash and flicker when I start the game up and then have to reorganize everything.


  • Nameless
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I'm new here but I read a lot about the Augmentex before, but I was curious, considering it already has to intervene in games code, and there are reports of plenty of issues it causes, would it be possible to change the way how it fixes 1FPS bug by putting a limit on how much memory can the effect it disables use, rather than... well disable them completely? Asking because seeing this bug is attached to things that are definitely calculated on GPU and also definitely have the potential to just overflow the registry with the right kind of data being generated in-game ,like just from seeing what kinds of enemies usually cause these bugs, ones that have some sort of loose body elements like tails, or ones that just fragment after death, seems like easy enough way to cause ragdoll to calculate some absurd movement speed for these and overflow registry

Asking mostly because I would like to fix this bug, but I'm seriously weary of solution that has fairly long list of issues it causes on it's own


  • Nameless
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I heard that:
This is in an attempt to optimize for the limited memory usage that was expected at the time of its release.
When a certain element is loaded into an unsuitable memory space, it starts to overlap or be overlapped indefinitely.
When the proper memory slot is freed, the element can be transferred to the proper layer. During area transitions within maps, the game reloads enemies from the previous map, increasing the chance of this error happening.
Perhaps increasing the default memory space ranges for element allocation will reduce the problem. A proper vitualization would also solve the problem.


  • Named
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I do not know what you but I’m sure that AMD processors don’t have this error, undoubtedly the game has a problem since this shouldn’t happen at all, but as for the video card, it’s not the card, it’s the processor


  • Nameless
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yep amd is fine. the game does sometimes slowing down with the fps but after a second or two it plays with full speed again. intel have huge problems with the game


  • Nameless
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Need help with the augmentrex. Game has been running fine for the past few days. crashed yesterday and now i keep getting this and no matter if i reinstall everything i cant open the game