It looks like I forced you to return to this again, if I find the name of the necessary items, then how to make them fall on a certain monster, let's say shulgot based on Covent Garden, a full set of armor and mythical weapons, as well as other goodies, I understand approximately that the lines need to be completely written out, but I'm afraid of breaking something. You added a set of armor to the dessicator, as well as a beryal, but at the beginning of the game I would like to get the full set for killing shulgot 
It's not a problem. I don't mind helping others learn to mod.
After looking I'm sorry I gave you bad info. You would use 1,INDEX #,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
3,###,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Links to a another line in the treasure.txt not a item.
Another thing I forgot to mention if your using D2Excel Plus to edit the text. The Index numbers are off by 1. Meaning if a item/treasure line index number is 567 in D2Excel Plus it's actually 566. The game uses a 0 for the 1st line D2Excel uses 1 so all the index numbers are higher by 1.
Apparently I'm too stupid to make it work 
No, Hellgate Steam is just very hard to mod. The game files are a mess & not intuitive. You'll get the hang of it. I may suggest start smaller add try to add a item to the defaultmonster or cheapmonster lines. Thats the basic enemies.
It's definitely not easy. It may sound easy when one gives directions, but this kind of knowledge comes from severe trial and error. It's not uncommon to fail a bunch of times until you get the connections down properly - especially if what you want to do is unconventional, and so you don't have immediate points of reference.
In your case, too, it's not just modifying treasure tables which is already difficult; it's also modifying base item settings that may get in the way of your treasure tables. So if this is your first time making modifications, it's a very complex undertaking for one's first.
On item numbers, you'd need to put into proper action Mayhem's instruction:
You use the Items Index number from the tems.txt. In the tresure.txt you would use 3,ITEMS INDEX #,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0. That's what you would add to the items1-8 lines in the Treasure.txt.
Yea, took me like 3-4 weeks of trial and error to learn and figure out how everything linked together. You gave me a lot of advice and I probably would of gave up if it wasn't for your help.