Hello there!
Does anyone know if is possible to modify the ranks (1-50) experience using CE or any similar program?
I found in the steam forum how to change the level experience and works good in case any wants to try it:
Now type into the value field in Cheat engine "00 00 00 29 XX XX XX 00" , without the quotes, where XX XX XX stands for the value you wrote down for current xp. If your xp value in HEX is less than six digits, replace the X with zeros. (for example, if your xp value is 1963 (HEX: 7AB), then you would write "00 00 00 29 AB 07 00 00".
Also, I'm looking to change the quantity of the following items if someone knows:
-Stonehenge Boss heads (Nicor, Ash, Errgoth, Oriax)
-Berial Feathers
Thanks in advance!