Author Topic: Savegame corruption? Unable to save progress after a while  (Read 5742 times)


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Hello again guys! Did it ever happen to you on the Steam version that suddenly your progress doesn't get saved when you quit the game? It happened to me in Abyss area, from being on Garden of Dead map. Shorter progresses get saved, but after playing for like 10 minutes or so, something locks in and saving the game afterwards will revert my character to where I started beforehand. Therefore it's not Windows permission/antivirus sandbox related, as I wouldn't be able to save shorter progresses either.

It's literally impossible to reach further maps this way, it's driving me crazy. I experience this in all areas now, in Stonehenge, Covent Garden, everywhere! I didn't change any setting of the game in weeks. I also tried a clean reinstall (wiped everything, even from Documents folder), and it's the same. I even started a new character and it also had this issue, like it's spreading o.O

Has anybody experienced something similar in the past? Is there a fix to it? I'm also using Augmentrex (, and I noticed these errors popping up in the process window when a game instance couldn't save upon quitting:

It wasn't there before, maybe it can give a clue to someone on what that is. I'll post it on the respective thread as well, just in case. Of course, I also tried running the game without augmentrex, it's the same, the problem is with the game, and very likely my savegame file.

Speaking of which, I'm also sharing my savegame file for those interested:

If you don't mind, could someone please test it out for me on his own version if the issue persists there too? The most reliable way to reproduce the unability to save is to go to Stonehenge, and fully clear the map duo of Blood Walk and The Maw, by exploring and killing everything. Then go back or quit the game right away, whichever suits you, and then check if The Maw is marked as visited and if you have all the experience and items earned from before. It should be done in around 15 minutes, which is long enough to render the progress unable to save. Oh, and I use this submod as well:
Probably it's better to grab it too if you haven't already as I'm unsure what incompatibility issues might happen if you have a smaller stash and inventory compared to what I have, partially full with stuff. If you can miraculously save the progress, could you please send back the savegame file to me? Maybe that's enough to fix it, I'm out of ideas.

Any feedback is very much appreciated, thank you in advance! :)
« Last Edit: Feb 07, 2021; 09:05 pm by Gorvex »


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Re: Savegame corruption? Unable to save progress after a while
« Reply #1 on: Feb 07, 2021; 09:23 pm »
I ran all 4 parts of the stonehange and after reloading the game nothing saved, so not only you have a problem. Download any other character from the forum and play the game.

I don't use Augmantrex.
« Last Edit: Feb 07, 2021; 09:24 pm by Immortal2563 »


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Re: Savegame corruption? Unable to save progress after a while
« Reply #2 on: Feb 08, 2021; 05:40 pm »
Thanks! Did you try out my savegame, or you experienced that inability to save independantly from my case?

In any case, playing with others' characters ruins the fun for me. Plus the ones uploaded are either for London 2038, SP revival or other mod, which are incompatible with the Steam version if I'm not mistaken, and vanilla characters miss out on some quest rewards.

With that said, I think it's time to move on to trying out London 2038, as I bought a physical copy of the base game from E-bay recently. The Steam version has too many flaws to overlook after playing for a while:
- lowered graphics and visual effects that can't be fully restored with fan-made texture packs either
- constant fps issues on Intel CPUs, not to mention the dreaded 1fps bug (which even augmentrex can't fix 100% sadly)
- badly cut and re-translated dialogues. Full with grammar errors and sudden phrase interruptions
- some quests got simplified
- Tokyo content is not fully finished either
- many class skills are bugged, and increased minion damage doesn't work past 400% or so
- many bosses don't drop anything beside palladium and quest-related items
- transmogrifying cube isn't functional, and even the fix of Kikina couldn't repair it fully (shame on Hanbitsoft!)
- Dye kits don't exist either
- unobtainable achievements
- left in many small MP content which is frustrating and a sign of lazyness (mask, costume and necklace slots, some game options, etc.)
- later upgrade levels of the nanoforge completely break the balance, it can render armor and weapons OP
- Delux de-modificator removes a random mod instead of the selected one
- Field reset button doesn't work
- removed shared stash
- and probably many more that didn't come to my mind

As they say, less is sometimes more, which I can wholeheartedly agree with after seeing some playthrough videos of London 2038 and how smooth it runs.
« Last Edit: Feb 08, 2021; 05:51 pm by Gorvex »


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Re: Savegame corruption? Unable to save progress after a while
« Reply #3 on: Feb 08, 2021; 05:48 pm »
shame on Hanbitsoft!

Most definitely. My own feelings on the whole acquisition saga aside, Flagship's legacy really was tarnished over the years. This Steam release was the final shameful straw, which dawned on me when I found myself unable to enjoy it despite consciously wanting to. Your list really spells it out.

That said, I do hope you enjoy 2038 for however long you play it. I'm quite proud of the work that's been done over the years, and I'd like to believe we've followed in Flagship's steps quite more faithfully.
"Dream big and crash often"

List of Global class guides.
The above guides may be obsolete for vanilla SP, but they may still hold true for the 2018 Steam version.


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Re: Savegame corruption? Unable to save progress after a while
« Reply #4 on: Feb 08, 2021; 06:57 pm »
As I wrote above. I downloaded your game saves. I ran for the champions' heads in Stonehange four times. Apart from the normal loss of fps, I have not seen any strange events. Nothing has been saved after starting a new session. Your game saves are corrupted in some way or your game installation. Download any save games from the forum and check if it works.

Saved games from the original Hellgate and from the Revival mod are visible on the steam version, but not the other way around.

Hellgate 2038 May save the game on the server. What if you play a little longer and the owner turns off the server and that's it? How do you imagine using Agmentex 3000 if only the first two attempts are free? In single mode you can save the game and try to remodel items to get + 10AA / + 13 Stamina / Accuracy / Strenght on the server side you only have three attempts. If there is no restore item to the last position after unwanted modification, the whole idea is there is absolutely no sense in creating all of this. Have whoever does this do to the original Hellgate LAN option and get some game save converter to keep Steam game saves running on a normal Hellgateor great Revival mod. All players will be forever grateful to him for this.
« Last Edit: Feb 08, 2021; 06:59 pm by Immortal2563 »


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Re: Savegame corruption? Unable to save progress after a while
« Reply #5 on: Feb 08, 2021; 07:37 pm »
Most definitely. My own feelings on the whole acquisition saga aside, Flagship's legacy really was tarnished over the years. This Steam release was the final shameful straw, which dawned on me when I found myself unable to enjoy it despite consciously wanting to. Your list really spells it out.

That said, I do hope you enjoy 2038 for however long you play it. I'm quite proud of the work that's been done over the years, and I'd like to believe we've followed in Flagship's steps quite more faithfully.
Oh, Bryan! I'm glad you are here again! I can totally see Hanbitsoft's shameful display now, I also remember your review video about the Steam version. It was very insightful, thank you!

You seem to be very knowledgeable about the different versions and mods of Hellgate: London, as well as their gameplay. If you don't mind, off the top of your head, can you confirm that the following features are missing in London 2038 compared to the Steam version? Here are what concern me the most, are there no replacement or auxiliary features to them?
- some endgame set items (are there items unique to London: 2038? Nightstriders boots would be one?)
- skill and lucky skill expanders (how many skill points can be acquired in total, including level-ups?)
- backpacks (you get the default-sized stash and inventory without options to expand them?)
- auto-dismantler (is there such a thing in London 2038?)
- some class skills (what are missing and are there replacements, alternatives to compensate?)
- messengers of hell (are there other, unique champions to compensate?)
- 2nd Attack (there is only Abyss and Stonehenge after the base content?)

London 2038 seems amazing from what I've seen from other people, I can't wait! :)

As I wrote above. I downloaded your game saves. I ran for the champions' heads in Stonehange four times. Apart from the normal loss of fps, I have not seen any strange events. Nothing has been saved after starting a new session. Your game saves are corrupted in some way or your game installation. Download any save games from the forum and check if it works.

Saved games from the original Hellgate and from the Revival mod are visible on the steam version, but not the other way around.

Hellgate 2038 May save the game on the server. What if you play a little longer and the owner turns off the server and that's it? How do you imagine using Agmentex 3000 if only the first two attempts are free? In single mode you can save the game and try to remodel items to get + 10AA / + 13 Stamina / Accuracy / Strenght on the server side you only have three attempts. If there is no restore item to the last position after unwanted modification, the whole idea is there is absolutely no sense in creating all of this. Have whoever does this do to the original Hellgate LAN option and get some game save converter to keep Steam game saves running on a normal Hellgateor great Revival mod. All players will be forever grateful to him for this.
I see, I wasn't sure what you meant specifically when saying "not only you have a problem". Thank you for testing my save out, it's very much appreciated!

Hm, SP revival is compatible with Steam too, interesting. Thanks for letting me know!

Right, I haven't thought about that so far. Nor did I know that saves are stored on a server so you can't reload, nor play without it as a result :o Augmenting seems to be futile or very dangerous indeed if you don't have multiple copies of that gg item, as chances of the right combo are stellar without retrying. But what do you mean by that only the first 2 attempts of Augmentrex 3000 are free? You pay with palladium in the steam version right away.

P.S.: The problem is, the fps issues on their own are already a big letdown to me for a desire to contiue playing on the steam version. Not to mention the constant need for augmentrex, thus the lack of collision detection. The lowered graphics! And the newly discovered possibility for savegame corruption!
« Last Edit: Feb 08, 2021; 08:16 pm by Gorvex »


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Re: Savegame corruption? Unable to save progress after a while
« Reply #6 on: Feb 08, 2021; 09:33 pm »
I mean you have a 100% chance with the first two upgrades, then the chance drops down to 5%.

This game is so fucked up that my AMD, when I look through the items in the box at the station, the game literally stops.

As for the graphics, it doesn't matter what settings the game looks like anyway. Here you have high resolution textures:

Expnded storage and Cube Fix here:

As for skill expander u can find him in Cube(recipe) but u need expanded storage from link above. +10 skill u can buy at any station and +10 lucky skill expander.

Cube recipes:
« Last Edit: Feb 08, 2021; 09:40 pm by Immortal2563 »


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Re: Savegame corruption? Unable to save progress after a while
« Reply #7 on: Feb 08, 2021; 10:43 pm »
I mean you have a 100% chance with the first two upgrades, then the chance drops down to 5%.
But you were talking about Augmentrex 3000, not the nanoforge, hence my surprise reaction :P

Ah, just as I heard, AMD systems are lucky in this regard!

As for the rest, I know about all of them (I even listed that submod in my initial post. But, I was asking about London 2038 as a comparison to the Steam version when mentioning those stuff :)
« Last Edit: Feb 08, 2021; 10:52 pm by Gorvex »


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Re: Savegame corruption? Unable to save progress after a while
« Reply #8 on: Feb 09, 2021; 12:27 am »
Hellgate 2038 May save the game on the server. What if you play a little longer and the owner turns off the server and that's it? How do you imagine using Agmentex 3000 if only the first two attempts are free? In single mode you can save the game and try to remodel items to get + 10AA / + 13 Stamina / Accuracy / Strenght on the server side you only have three attempts. If there is no restore item to the last position after unwanted modification, the whole idea is there is absolutely no sense in creating all of this. Have whoever does this do to the original Hellgate LAN option and get some game save converter to keep Steam game saves running on a normal Hellgateor great Revival mod. All players will be forever grateful to him for this.

In fairness, 2038 functions as every other MP version of the game did. That was the goal of the project; to restore the multiplayer aspect of the game.
That said, I do understand it's not for everyone. Some people value their local saves' longevity and prefer to load them for ideal augments/outcomes, and that's understandable. Still, as far as the server shutting down goes, I wouldn't worry about that. The server has been online since 2016, and we always have the option to ask for donations to keep it running if we can't afford to.

Finally, both the Augmentrex and the Nanoforge are as they originally were. The Augmentrex costs palladium to use, and the costs increase based on level and affix grade. The Nanoforge only upgrades item levels, and costs in-game resources to do so - without ever breaking items. We really wouldn't want to lean into any of Global's monetization tactics, or monetize the game at all for that matter.

Oh, Bryan! I'm glad you are here again! I can totally see Hanbitsoft's shameful display now, I also remember your review video about the Steam version. It was very insightful, thank you!

You seem to be very knowledgeable about the different versions and mods of Hellgate: London, as well as their gameplay. If you don't mind, off the top of your head, can you confirm that the following features are missing in London 2038 compared to the Steam version? Here are what concern me the most, are there no replacement or auxiliary features to them?
- some endgame set items (are there items unique to London: 2038? Nightstriders boots would be one?)
- skill and lucky skill expanders (how many skill points can be acquired in total, including level-ups?)
- backpacks (you get the default-sized stash and inventory without options to expand them?)
- auto-dismantler (is there such a thing in London 2038?)
- some class skills (what are missing and are there replacements, alternatives to compensate?)
- messengers of hell (are there other, unique champions to compensate?)
- 2nd Attack (there is only Abyss and Stonehenge after the base content?)

London 2038 seems amazing from what I've seen from other people, I can't wait! :)

Thank you for the kind words, it fills me with joy that people find value in anything I produce.

To your questions, in order:
-The Set grade doesn't exist yet, but it might if we manage to emulate its mechanics. We do have Unique "sets" however, in the form of Flagship's Abyss sets. 2038 does have items unique to it as well, which we design ourselves.
-At the moment there are 50 skillpoints available, as the level cap is 50 and we don't have additional point sources. This might change in the future - but at the moment we've tackled this by reducing the caps of some skills and providing more +skill sources from gear.
-We expanded the original MP's stash, which, by memory, should be equal to SP's stash. We also have a functional shared stash, and a backpack the size of the Cube for 1x1 items.
-We do have a Dismantler we made ourselves, the Piecemaker. This functions identically to Global's dismantler, but hopefully also has a cleaner UI.
-Skills are more comparable to SP than Global for some classes like BMs, but are mostly identical to Global for classes like Summoners. Our skillsets are based on TCv4, so all classes have 3 "Abyss" skills on top of their SP ones. We've also made additions, like adding SoJ and SS to Guardians and the toxic spell tree to Summoners, as well as adjustments like fusing the Engineers' Medpak and Shield Generator Retrofits.
-There are no Messengers of Hell yet, but we did compensate for it by revamping Champion enemies into more formidable enemies.
-There is no 2nd Attack or Tokyo content, no. We're slowly adding our own content, however, the most recent example being a tougher Dawn of the Dead map. We've also revamped the Abyss from its TCv4 form, including tougher Catacombs, more side areas, daily quests, and a stronger focus on old and new rings.

Should this, and promises for future development, appeal to you, we'd be glad to have you :)
"Dream big and crash often"

List of Global class guides.
The above guides may be obsolete for vanilla SP, but they may still hold true for the 2018 Steam version.


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Re: Savegame corruption? Unable to save progress after a while
« Reply #9 on: Feb 09, 2021; 07:55 am »
Ah, I see, thank you very much for your responses! London 2038 is not as lacking in terms of these features as I thought it to be, very good.

Even though I initially liked the idea to reload saves for perfect augments in the Steam version, I started to feel cheaty. If I wouldn't be able to, I would certainly wait with augments until I find multiple copies of the designated item or a similar one. This would also make character progression slower and give more reason to continue farming. Which feels more rewarding for sure!

I'll definitely try out London 2038, thank you for the kind words!
« Last Edit: Feb 09, 2021; 07:58 am by Gorvex »


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Re: Savegame corruption? Unable to save progress after a while
« Reply #10 on: Feb 09, 2021; 09:40 am »
Thank you for correcting my mistake I meant Nanoforge of course.

It's not much better on AMD. My old laptop that I play is not strong, the items in the inventory also have shaders and the game can literally stand up as if you had 1000 pings. Surprisingly, the original is much better at higher settings.

I made only one mistake to let me know that Revival exists, so I would go through the game, get the Balbis Ring, items from the set with + critical Chance, beat the Desicator for pets, kill Moloch for Dye Kits and Veiled Threat etc .. that is items that are not in the steam version impossible to get hold of and returned to steam. Now it's all over because there is no backwards character conversion system and the option to flip items in this mod launcher is not implemented. Reanimator, the version that someone from the forum tried to adopt to the version of the steam caused so many errors and I do not want to load the first form, the second always enters. I even tried to save games downloaded from the forum. The author of this Reanimator explained that there is no steam version on the disk, only the original one.

"Some people value their local saves' longevity and prefer to load them for ideal augments / outcomes, and that's understandable"

That's exactly how Bryan hit the nail on the head.

If Nanoforge doesn't break items then ok, but do you always have a 100% chance or is it like the original, going back one level? It costs a lot of scraps. Upgrading from level 14 to level 15 is a 5% chance !!!

If I remember correctly purple items cost 300 fragments now how to hit anything with a cube? There are 13 items if i remember correctly to choose from. Not to mention that it had any decent statistics.
« Last Edit: Feb 09, 2021; 11:03 am by Immortal2563 »


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Re: Savegame corruption? Unable to save progress after a while
« Reply #11 on: Feb 09, 2021; 01:23 pm »
Even though I initially liked the idea to reload saves for perfect augments in the Steam version, I started to feel cheaty. If I wouldn't be able to, I would certainly wait with augments until I find multiple copies of the designated item or a similar one. This would also make character progression slower and give more reason to continue farming. Which feels more rewarding for sure!
Happy to help.

That's an excellent way of looking at it, in my books. Having an Auction House does help, but gearing is still practically slower. That, however, gives farming a purpose and makes it last. That's what kept us playing in Global when the updates halted; the gear roulette and the chase for those specific augments.
The latter of which isn't really that essential anyway. It's desirable for the minmaxer, by all means, but it's not like most content can't be beaten on mostly clean gear.

Finally, that's why I like our current ring system as well. Making the slot more varied aside, it takes time to get the perfect outcome.

If Nanoforge doesn't break items then ok, but do you always have a 100% chance or is it like the original, going back one level? It costs a lot of scraps. Upgrading from level 14 to level 15 is a 5% chance !!!

If I remember correctly purple items cost 300 fragments now how to hit anything with a cube? There are 13 items if i remember correctly to choose from. Not to mention that it had any decent statistics.
Oh no, it's not even that. It's not remotely close to Global's Forge, which provides "enchantment" levels. It simply increases item levels, like the original SP Forge did; perhaps most notably bringing the lv30 items within lv50 viability.
There's no chance of failure or level regression. It also doesn't cost fragments, as we don't have that material. It only costs scraps, materials of the same class (ie swords require blessed shards, guns tech components, foci runic fragments), and nanoshards.
"Dream big and crash often"

List of Global class guides.
The above guides may be obsolete for vanilla SP, but they may still hold true for the 2018 Steam version.


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Re: Savegame corruption? Unable to save progress after a while
« Reply #12 on: Feb 09, 2021; 02:37 pm »
Thanks for the explanation Bryan It's all clear.


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Re: Savegame corruption? Unable to save progress after a while
« Reply #13 on: Feb 09, 2021; 05:37 pm »
In the meantime, I found another guy who had this savegame corruption issue on Steam, and another instance, but this time with the vanilla game, dating back to 2010... Damn, the issue is not even Steam/Global specific and can happen anywhere it seems.
How can I avoid it this way or make a repair? :(


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Re: Savegame corruption? Unable to save progress after a while
« Reply #14 on: Feb 09, 2021; 05:52 pm »
Have you downloaded any character from the forum and checked if it is working properly?