Author Topic: Using the Vulkan API instead of Direct3D9 in Hellgate London (1 fps bug gone?)  (Read 7651 times)


  • Named
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you may have tested on Linux, but it doesn't work for me.


  • Nameless
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Sorry to hear :(. I can only confirm that it's working on my girlsfriend's notebook in Stonehenge levels very well with an Intel i7 7700HQ + Nvidia GTX 1050Ti with Vulkan. The difference compared to Direct3D9 and stutters is like day and night. I get this 1 fps bug very often in Direct3D9. With the Vulkan API it's almost gone. I have installed this Nvidia Vulkan Beta Driver v538.09 from here.
Download for Windows 10/11

Use it at your own risk, since it's a beta driver. And don't use it if you are working most likely productively since you are using a Studio Driver and this driver is optimised for professional applications, stability and quality.
« Last Edit: Jan 20, 2024; 07:23 am by Dirk »


  • Named
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I'll try to do the same.


  • Named
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It didn't help either, apparently the intel processor will never cope with this problem


  • Nameless
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It didn't help either, apparently the intel processor will never cope with this problem
I was really hoping that Vulkan could somehow help your CPU with the load when the 1fps error occurred.

Lower CPU usage
Vulkan reduces load on CPUs through the use of batching and other low-level optimizations, therefore reducing CPU workloads and leaving the CPU free to do more computation or rendering than would otherwise be possible.

Multi-threading friendly design
Direct3D 11 and OpenGL 4 were initially designed for use with single-core CPUs and only received augmentation to be executed on multi-cores. Even when application developers use the augmentations, these APIs regularly do not scale well on multi-cores. Vulkan offers improved scalability on multi-core CPUs due to the modernized threading architecture
« Last Edit: Jan 20, 2024; 07:33 am by Dirk »


  • Named
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Try testing on the Tokyo abyss and cow locations, if you don’t get this error, then perhaps my processor is very outdated, you need more time for testing, sometimes the error does not come Straightaway


  • Nameless
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Try testing on the Tokyo abyss and cow locations, if you don’t get this error, then perhaps my processor is very outdated, you need more time for testing, sometimes the error does not come Straightaway
I've found this video, it might help to reduce the problem. This guy says that it can help to start HG:L (Steam Version) without Steam directly out of the \bin folder where your Hellgate_sp_x86.exe is. And to avoid running any unnecessary 32-bit program or application in the background that could also use the first core of your CPU. Try to close any unnecessary 32-bit process or application in the background before playing the game.

It starts at 1:40.
« Last Edit: Jan 29, 2024; 02:56 am by Dirk »


  • Named
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  • Posts: 207
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Try testing on the Tokyo abyss and cow locations, if you don’t get this error, then perhaps my processor is very outdated, you need more time for testing, sometimes the error does not come Straightaway
I've found this video, it might help to reduce the problem. This guy says that it can help to start HG:L (Steam Version) without Steam directly out of the \bin folder where your Hellgate_sp_x86.exe is. And to avoid running any unnecessary 32-bit program or application in the background that could also use the first core of your CPU. Try to close any unnecessary 32-bit process or application in the background before playing the game.

It starts at 1:40.
It looks like this really helps kill a 32-bit process, but for how long or not it’s still worth finding out, but how to make the client work on more than one core to fix it without problems after all, 32/64 bits seem to affect the memory and not the processor cores