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Anyone interested in a Play by Post community story?


Afternoon Fellow Hellgaters,

I was looking over the board and an idea hit me. In some of the D&D forums I was part of, we would do a community story in the Play-by-Post format. Each player would bring 1 character to the game. And would post his actions, interactions with other players and so on. It can be a very rewarding thing. The way that the stories go is very surprising sometimes.

We would need someone to monitor the thread. And the board to set the standards (ie: PG, R, PG17, AO). I would be happy to play in it, but do not wish to be the mod. We could put the thread in the Community Projects area with Bryan's stories. Hell, we may give him ideas from for his writing?

What do you say? Yes or No?

Peter's story actually started out in such a manner,hence the name of his section.Even if it turns out to be a one-man project again,it can surely be very productive.Of course,the best outcome will be for it to function as intended :)

I can create a separate section for it if there's interest in it,and I surely don't mind watching over it.Participating would be fun too,for certain.
On that note,many thanks for the kind thought.While my current work is way too fleshed out to be looking for new sources of inspiration for it now,coming in contact with the creative force of others can surely be inspirational in general.

So,let's see if this can get in motion :)


--- Quote from: Bryan on Aug 26, 2013; 01:09 am ---Peter's story actually started out in such a manner,hence the name of his section.Even if it turns out to be a one-man project again,it can surely be very productive.Of course,the best outcome will be for it to function as intended :)

I can create a separate section for it if there's interest in it,and I surely don't mind watching over it.Participating would be fun too,for certain.
On that note,many thanks for the kind thought.While my current work is way too fleshed out to be looking for new sources of inspiration for it now,coming in contact with the creative force of others can surely be inspirational in general.

So,let's see if this can get in motion :)

--- End quote ---

Sounds great Bryan, Thanks!
I am looking forward to it. Perhaps we should do a poll here to see just who & how many are interested in a PBP story. I have done a few of them myself. Some in the D&D universe. One that was a cross over for both the Harry Potter books & the Chronicles of Amber books by Roger Zelazny. My favorite author, by the way.

Also you're very welcome Bryan, I have written a few short stories myself. And I do understand how hard it can be to become inspired to keep writing. So from one writer to another.. I wish you good luck with your current project. And I look forward to see what happens with the PBP story! Please feel free to message me if you have any questions. Take care!


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