The Merkabah
Base Type: Zenith Shield
Unique (Or possibly mythic?)
Item Level 60 (Requires Character Level 50)
Flavor Text: "Upon ahead, I viewed a great mass of jewel laden light, emanating thunder... being driven by majestic, holy creatures. It was the chariot, the throne... of The Creator." -Ezekiel 1:4-26, (Paraphrase)*
Damage Types: Direct Physical, Direct Electric, Direct + Splash Fire Damage
+ All elemental defenses
+ Bonus Armor
+ Ignite attack strength
+ Chance to cause an electric nova when it hits an enemy
+1 to all Guardian Skills
+ Melee attack speed %
*If it is too long, I'll try to shorten the paraphrase.
** This affix is in the game, but does it actually work?
Edit: I couldn't find a picture of a Zenith shield, so I chose a Dissector Shield instead -
Edit#2: Item level should probably be 60+; character level requirement should be between 50-55.
Edit#3: Since the +Guardian skill damage affix does not work, I suggest instead putting a +splash radius affix on the shield instead.
Edit#4: I corrected the affix, the picture up above now reflects what is intentionally being proposed.
Edit#5: I'll provide more specific parameters and appropriate changes when we have a working Dissector shield in Reanimator.