Ah o.k , My turn my turn...
Drai's Dichotomy (Unique sword (Flame Column))
"From the depths of my soul , upon the gates of Hell I vomit forth this cry. 'Why can't we be friends, why can't we be frieeends' ".
Damage: 6- 13 physical (direct)
6-13 Fire (Direct)
6-13 Spectral (Direct)
1-3 Physical (splash) / 4m
1-3 Fire (splash) /4m
1-3 Spectral (splash) /4m
Critical Chance: +1% (inherent)
Shield Overload: 150%
Stun Strength : 75
Ignite Strength : 75
Phase Strength : 75
Mind Control Strength: 150
Mod Slots 1-3 Fuel , 1-2 Relic (max 4)
50% Shield Penetration
+25% splash Radius
Sword Typhoon 3
Sprint 1
Faster attack rate
Cost: 45 Will, 10 Acc
Normal attack rate