Information in this wiki applies to Hellgate: Global, which was shut down in 2015. It might not be accurate for other versions of the game.
Some information might be relevant to the 2018 Steam release because it's based on Global.
For information more relevant to the original Hellgate: London release and Test Center content, check out the London 2038 wiki.

Base Defense

From Hellgate Global Wiki / Hellgate Resurrection Wiki
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Base Defense is a tower defense minigame of sorts, requiring a party to defend four towers against many waves of monsters.


Wave Spawns Spawn Time
1 0.25 seconds
2 1.6 seconds
3 3.1 seconds
4 4.6 seconds
5 Ravager Mastodon 5.1 seconds
6 None 6.05 seconds
7 6.1 seconds
8 7.45 seconds
9 8.8 seconds
10 10.15 seconds
11 Gargantua 11 seconds
12 11 seconds
13 None 11.95 seconds
14 12 seconds
15 13.2 seconds
16 14.4 seconds
17 15.6 seconds
18 16.8 seconds
19 Vortex Goliath 16.9 seconds
20 None 17.95 seconds
21 18 seconds
22 19.05 seconds
23 20.1 seconds
24 21.15 seconds
25 Khargoth 21.5 seconds
26 22.2 seconds
27 22.7 seconds
28 23.25 seconds
29 None 23.95 seconds
30 Orpehell 24.1 seconds
31 24.45 seconds
32 25.25 seconds
33 25.8 seconds
34 26.7 seconds
35 Darkan 27 seconds
36 27.5 seconds
37 28.25 seconds
38 29 seconds
39 29.4 seconds
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