Information in this wiki applies to Hellgate: Global, which was shut down in 2015. It might not be accurate for other versions of the game.
Some information might be relevant to the 2018 Steam release because it's based on Global.
For information more relevant to the original Hellgate: London release and Test Center content, check out the London 2038 wiki.

Damage Absorption

From Hellgate Global Wiki / Hellgate Resurrection Wiki
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The damage that is inflicted by the attacker to the defender is scaled by

f = a/(a+d) 
The attack rating of the attacker
The defense rating (i.e. armor) of the defender

The attack rating is given by

a = 20+5*L
The level of the attacker

The absorption is given by

absorption = 1 - f = d/(a+d).

The absorption rate listed on the character sheet is the value against an attacker that has the same level as the character. It will be vary if the attacker level varies. Note that a level difference between attacker and defender has an additional effect on the inflicted damage.

To reach an absorption rate x against an attacker with level L an armor rating of

armor = (20+5*L)*x/(1-x)

is required. The following table shows the required armor to reach various absorption ratios against level 40, 45, 50 and 55 monsters.

Absorption L40 L45 L50 L55
50% 220 245 270 295
55% 268 299 330 360
60% 330 367 405 442
65% 408 455 501 547
70% 513 571 630 688
75% 660 735 810 885
80% 880 980 1080 1180
85% 1246 1388 1530 1671
90% 1980 2205 2430 2655
95% 4180 4655 5130 5605
96% 5280 5880 6480 7080
97% 7113 7921 8730 9538
98% 10780 12005 13230 14455
99% 21780 24255 26730 29205
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